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Embracing Wellness on a Journey to Ethiopia: A New Adventure Awaits Me
As many of you know, my journey through life is not just about physical destinations, but also about exploring the landscapes of the mind and soul. In the spirit of this exploration, I'm thrilled to share that my next adventure takes me to a land rich in history, culture, and natural beauty: Ethiopia.
This trip is not just a journey across the globe; it's a leap of faith, a test of resilience, and an opportunity to serve and connect with people in a deeply meaningful way. Ethiopia, with its rich tapestry of cultures, history, and landscapes, is the perfect backdrop for this mission of love, service, and spiritual growth.
Yashica Budde, LMFT
Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapist (KAP)
How Does Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Work?
1. Initial Consultation With Journey Clinical
- You schedule an initial evaluation with a clinician from the Journey Clinical medical team via Zoom. They will go over your medical and psychiatric history, provide education on the treatment and determine if you are eligible for KAP.
- If Journey Clinical’s medical team determines that you are eligible for KAP, they will develop a personalized Ketamine prescription and outcome monitoring plan for you.
- Journey Clinical’s medical staff will write a ketamine prescription for you, and a small amount of oral ketamine will be sent to your home–enough for the first two KAP sessions. You will be taught to take your vitals and self-administer the ketamine lozenges by Journey Clinical’s medical team in advance of our KAP sessions.
2. Preparation Sessions
Once you receive your ketamine lozenges, we will schedule time together for our KAP preparation, dosing and integration sessions. Preparation session(s) will be scheduled just like regular therapy sessions prior to the KAP dosing session. The goal of a preparation session(s) is to align on the process and set intentions for our KAP sessions together.
3. KAP Dosing Session
- A typical ketamine dosing session lasts from one to two hours and can take place either in-person at my office, or remotely via telehealth.
- During a dosing session, you will self-administer your ketamine lozenge. Although a KAP dosing session may be largely an internal experience, I will be present with you the entire time to hold space and provide support as needed.
At this time Yashica Budde ONLY offers IN-Person sessions.
Helpful Resources
- Paradigms of Ketamine Treatment by Raquel Bennett, Psy.D. for MAPS
- Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP): Patient Demographics, Clinical Data and Outcomes in Three Large Practices Administering Ketamine with Psychotherapy – research study by Jennifer Dore et al, 2018
- Ketamine for Depression and Mood Disorders by Erica Zelfand, ND for Townsend Letter
- Ketamine-Facilitated Psychotherapy for Trauma, Anxiety, and Depression by goop
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy with Jonathan Sabbagh of Journey Clinical – Psychology Talk Podcast
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