Self-Care Corner
Stress Relievers that shut down down stress ASAP
1. Check your thoughts: When your thoughts start to spin out of control during a stressful moment, stop and re-frame your thinking.
2. Take a deep breath: Get more oxygen to your brain to lower levels of the stress hormone Cortisol.
3. Say a mantra: Repeat a phrase from which you draw power, peace and /or strength.4.. Shake it off: Take a hint from Taylor Swift and literally shake your body to release tension.
How to express sadness
Expressing your sadness in healthy ways can be a good way to deal with how you are feeling.. Here are a few ways to express your sadness:
- Let it out: vocalize your feelings (cry, yell, scream, etc.)
- Get creative: Go to Smash/rage room, get out in nature, garden, or crochet/knit.
- Let loose: listen to music that reflects your sadness and dance to it.
- Put it in writing: Write about your feelings in a journal or keep a sadness diary
- Share: Talk about your feelings with someone you trust.
Normalizing Therapy
Self Love O'Clock: The choice to accept, appreciate, protect
and be gentle with yourself.
- Be proud of your achievements
- Think, Speak and talk to yourself with kindness
- Forgive yourself
- Say no to comparisons and
- self judgement
- Set healthy boundaries
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